Central Packing

We are a company engaged in the Procurement of Goods & Services industry. We are a Gasket Packing Specialist, We offer a variety of product solutions that can support business and business activities, especially in Jabodetabek and its surroundings. "CENTRAL PACKING" has the competence and excellence with a professional workforce that has been trusted by dozens of companies in Indonesia. In order to establish cooperation, we offer our products that can help the development of your company's business and business on an ongoing basis. A pride if we can be part of the development of your business and business with a variety of products and services from us. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. For reservations / info contact: Erik Irawan Head Office: LTC GLODOK LT.2 Block B.8 N0.3 West Jakarta, You Order Us Ready to Intermediate to Destination. Your Satisfaction is the Key to Our Success.

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Distributor Gasket

Gasket adalah sebuah materi atau gabungan dari beberapa materi yang diapit di antara 2 sambungan mekanis yang dapat dipisah. Fungsi gasket yaitu untuk mencegah kebocoran selama jangka waktu tertentu. Gasket dipakai harus dapat menghindari kebocoran pada penggunaanya, tahan terhadap parts yang dilindungi dan bisa tahan tekanan dan temperatur operasi yang sangat tinggi. Central Packing merupakan distributor gasket terkemuka di Indonesia, packing gasket yang kami jual merupakan produk yang berkualitas dan harga gasket yang kami tawarakan relatif lebih murah dari pasaran.